A special thanks to our team and our youth for their dedication. VYA has grown so vast with extreme diversities in its programs giving our youth amazing educational and humbling opportunities.
Jake Perera President of World Roc, words cannot speak of our gratitude for your belief in our vision and mentoring us as we developed into our own 501c3 non-profit Organization. Your partnership has been amazing and will continue to give our youth the unique opportunities globally.
Vincent with Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth thank you for all your support in helping our youth to learn about the everyday struggles of inner-city and homeless youth. Your partnership has been vital in developing our programs.
Ronald McDonald House staff you all have become a second family to our team and our youth. The compassion and strength they have learned from you and your families will forever imprint them. Your consistent support in helping with our other programs is also valued. As your donations ha helped to feed many underprivileged struggling in our community.
Alden and Nadia with Another Joy Foundation your partnership and support has developed our global programs allowing us the opportunity to imprints lives from Asia, Africa and the Middle East and long with here in our own back yard.
Love You All,
VYA Team